Ballistol Trophy Bleach 250 ml
With trophy bleaching, you can make skulls and other bone parts shine again in brilliant white during initial preparation or restoration. This way, the joy of the trophy and the memory will be preserved for a long time.
Dosage: Dissolve 45-60 g of trophy bleach per 100 ml of cold water.
Bleaching: Place the item to be bleached in the solution, heat it slowly to boiling and then allow it to cool again.
Exposure time: After about 15 hours, rinse the part thoroughly with water.
If bleaching is insufficient, repeat the process.
This method can also be used to reliably lighten heavily yellowed skulls and bone parts.
Environmentally friendly disposal:
After heating, the used solution only contains mineral salts that are found in natural waters anyway. Environmentally friendly disposal is possible without any problem via the domestic sewage system.
With proper care, your trophy will remain in pristine condition for years and retain its unique value.
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Ballistol Trophy Bleach 250 ml